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Views of Military Reform

S, E.

In a Series of Letters to a General Officer; now submitted to Ministers of the War Department.


Published: Printed for T. Egerton Military Library Whitehall, 1810

Stock code: 402

Price: £640.00

WITH THE SIGNATURE OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL [HENRY] CLINTON, DATED JUNE 1810, ON HALF-TITLE. The author was an officer of infantry. Sir Henry Clinton, the younger (1771-1829), was the second son of Sir Henry Clinton the elder and victor of Charleston. Beginning his career as ensign in 1787 he served in Holland from 1788-89 and was gazetted captain in 1791. He was appointed aide-de-camp to the Duke of York in 1793 and promoted lieutenant-colonel in 1795. A distinguished career followed: as adjutant-general in India, 1802-5; military attaché with the Russian Army at Austerlitz, 1805; commandant at Syracuse, 1806-7; MP, 1808-18; adjutant-general in Sir John Moore's campaign, 1808-9; major-general, 1810, commanded sixth division in Peninsular, 1811-14; KB, 1813; lieutenant-general, 1814; at Waterloo, 1815. A SPLENDID ASSOCIATION COPY OF A SCARCE WORK OF CONSIDERABLE NAPOLEONIC INTEREST. Apparently not in BLPC; not recorded by Sandler.