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The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford


With biographical Anecdotes of eminent Persons connected with the Establishment.


Published: Longman Rees Orme Brown & Green, 1831

Stock code: 670

Price: £174.00

The thirteenth and penultimate volume of Britton's informative and well-researched cathedral histories, famous also for their accurate and highly detailed plates, especially those by Mackenzie (none in this volume) and Le Keux. The histories were issued first in parts, then as single volumes (as here) and finally in a collected edition. Bibliographical description is complicated further by the fact that each history appeared in up to five states of issue. THIS IS THE SMALL PAPER EDITION OF ONE OF THE SCARCEST IN THE SERIES. IT WAS PROBABLY BOUND EARLY FROM LATE PARTS, SINCE THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE SINGLE VOLUME IS 1834. VERY SCARCE IN THE PUBLICHER'S BOARDS.