The Bent Pin
( John MOORE, intro ) ( Tony WHIELDON, illus. ) HOPKINS, ed., Kenneth
Compiled with an Introduction and Notes by Kenneth Hopkins. With a Foreword by John Moore. Illustrated by Tony Wheldon.
Published: Rigby & Lewis [Crawley], [1987]
Stock code: 4529
Price: £25.00
Roy. 8vo., First Edition, with numerous charming illustrations in the text; pictorial green cloth, upper board and backstripo elaborately blocked in gilt, a near fine copy.
'There have been scores of angling anthologies, but in this one my friend Kenneth Hopkins casts his net more widely, I think, than any angler for poems has done before.' ('Foreword'). Moore's thoughtful Foreword is possibly his last original contribution, written as it was very shortly before his death.