[Sale Catalogue of] The Parsons Fragment of Italian Prototypography
( Leiden Christi ) PARSONS FRAGMENT
The Property of the Grandchildren of the Hon. Edward Alexander Parsons. 23 November 1998. Sale Code: BLUNDELL-6055.
Published: Christie's, 1998
Stock code: 136
Price: £22.00
4to., First Edition, with fine coloured frontispiece and 18 fine full-page coloured facsimiles in the text; original printed wrappers, a fine copy.
The Parsons fragment of the Leiden Christi [c.1462-63?] is unique. It is the only known example of the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ITALY, as well as being the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ITALIAN, and employing a UNIQUE TYPE FOUNT.