Catalogue 77: A Selection of extremely rare and important Printed Books and ancient Manuscripts
Published: William H Robinson, 1948
Stock code: 186
Price: £18.00
Roy. 8vo., First Edition, with fine sepia-toned frontispiece, very numerous sepia-toned facsimiles in the text and 2 splendid folding sepia-toned facsimiles; printed boards, covers mildly age-soiled else a very good, crisp copy.
Robinson catalogues from the immediate post-war period are acclaimed as much for their intrinsic production values as for their reflection of the last 'golden age' of rarities. No. 77 is no exception containing as it does no fewer than 194 outstanding items, including the first book printed in the English language - Caxton's History of Troy (1485) - a MS of Bede's Ecclesiastical History (c. AD 820), a broadside ballad from Virginia (1623) constituting the earliest known American verse and Hariot's Artis Analyticae Praxis (1631) - the fundamental work on algebraic equations. As usual the catalogue is compehensively indexed